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Autistic Young Adults Community

Integrated Community building
for Young Adults with Autism


Autistic Young Adults 22+
The Lemon Tree Collective is a 501(c)(3)
volunteer & donor-based NonProfit in Austin, TX.
Our mission is to enhance the lives of autistic young adults 22+ through conscious wellness & lifestyle programs. We are growing an integrated community including curating All Ability Inclusion Festivals for Everyone, Meaningful Employment Opportunities & Socials.


& serve families in need.

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... watch us grow, share with your friends and family so we that we can serve more families impacted by Autism.


5TH ALL Ability Inclusion

Save the 2025 Dates!

April 13th • 2025

October 19th • 2025

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Lemon Tree Collective curates two Festivals each year for the community with Live Music, Great Food, Resource Booths, Speakers, Vendors & Ecstatic Dance • fun for the whole family.
Everyone of Every Age is Welcome.

Who We Are

"Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”

        ~ Francis of Assisi


Lemon Tree Collective, Inc. a donor-supported organization 501(c)(3) NonProfit.

Our mission is in building vibrant integrated community -  practicing radical inclusion for Autistic Young Adults to thrive in their lives.


We cultivate the extraordinary potential that exists in all of us while providing employment & work skills building opportunities, friendship social gatherings, community events & festivals, plus participation with local health & wellness practitioners.


A place to belong - where everyone can be known, accepted, and understood.


Learn more about the BRIGHT BREADS business which provides meaningful

employment opportunities including micro-business entrepreneurship skill building

training for autistic young adults.

Radical Culture of Inclusion

“Beautiful flowers need tender, loving care to bloom…. So do people.”

      ~ Jim Genovese


We believe that well-being depends on nurturing our interdependence in community. By contributing to the well-being of everyone around us, the benefits grow to enrich the larger society. We honor diversity and inclusion and value the fullness of every human. 

Why Lemon Tree

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

      ~ Albert Einstein


Lemon trees are an enduring symbol of cleansing, freshness, and protection. Lemons are known to restore the mind, body, and soul with their fragrance, taste, and aroma. The lemon tree itself has symbolized adoration, commitment, longevity, purification, love, friendship, and hope throughout different cultures. It is only natural to associate well-being and positive surroundings with the lemon tree. These are the ideals we will continue to strive for in our collective

Who We Serve

“It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.”

      ~ Muhammad Ali


Lemon Tree Collective serves Autistic young adults 22 years of age or older, who need moderate to low levels of support to access community. Our goal is to enrich lives, working toward more self reliance & self-advocacy to achieve as much independence as possible, surrounded by positive, caring people in an enriching community of care - forming a sustainable system of support.

Why We Serve - We are taking a small step towards solving a growing need.

“The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.”

      ~ Maya Angelou


According to there are 156,161 people waiting for home and community-based waiver services in Texas. Families who sign up for waivers in Texas wait anywhere from 11-15 years. Based on these numbers - 83% are not getting services and only 17% are getting the services they need. This is a growing crisis.


The statistics are staggering.    2023 CDC Statistics state 1 in 36 now have Autism.
We welcome your generous support fulfilling this need!

​“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”

      ~ Benjamin Franklin



Building something extraordinary - paradigm shift in the works.

“See the person, not the label.”

      ~ Dr. Temple Grandin

Stand With Lemon Tree Collective - Help Grow Good Works!

“Alone, we can do so little. Together, we can do so much.”

      ~ Helen Keller


We look forward to speaking to you about joining our mission of integrated community to serve Autistic Young Adults.





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Your Dedicated Lemon Tree Collective Team

Lissa Patrizi

Executive Director • Founder • Autism Advocate • Lissa-Patrizi​



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Sara McDermott

Secretary & Vital Community Connector

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Dr. Ada • MD

Medical Director

Advisory Team

Cynda Green

Parent & Texas Parent to Parent Pathways to Adulthood Transition Coordinator

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​​​​Liz Arreaga - MBA

Marketing & Growth Executive • Liz Arreaga



Welcome. Welcome. Welcome.​

Contact US
Lemon Tree Collective
Please join us - sign up to be placed on our email list to stay informed on upcoming social friendship gatherings, festivals or to inquire about the Bright Breads Academy & Business opportunities.

Thank you for submitting we will be in touch!

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